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​​Operational Departments

Waste Systems Department

The Waste Systems Department has the following competencies:

a) Definition of revenues and tariffs of state-owned systems;
b) Analysis and establishment of adjustments in state-owned systems;
c) Issuance of opinions on revenues and tariffs of systems of ownership
d) Definition of investment and operational reference costs;
e) Determination of regulatory, generic and specific parameters;
f) Approval of investment plans of state-owned systems;
g) Assessment of economic and financial performance;
h) Monitoring of the process of constitution, modification or extinction of
management entities;
i) Follow up of strategic plans of the sector and elaboration of studies
j) Monitoring of legislative changes and collaboration in the preparation of
regulations with external effectiveness;
k) Monitoring of specific flows;
l) Execution of specific technical and financial audits to the Management Entities.

Water Systems Department

The Water Systems Department has the following responsibilities:

a) Definition of revenues and tariffs;
b) Determination of regulatory parameters, generic and specific;
c) Analysis and calculation of deviations of recovery of expenses and adjustments;
d) Definition of investment and operational reference costs;
e) Analysis and approval of engineering projects and investment plans;
f) Assessment of economic and financial performance;
g) Follow-up of the process of constitution, modification or extinction of
management entities;
h) Follow-up of strategic plans of the sector and preparation of studies
i) Follow-up on legislative changes and collaboration in the preparation of
regulations with external effectiveness;
j) Execution of specific technical and financial audits to the Management Entities.

Contract Management Department

The Contract Management Department has the following competencies:

a) Technical, economic and legal follow-up of the processes of constitution,
modification or extinction of managing entities, namely:
i. Monitoring and enforcement of contracts;
ii. Issuance of opinions on revenues and tariffs;
iii. Five-year review of delegated management contracts, including
analysis of the five-year investment plan;
iv. Annual verification of compliance with the rules for tariff updating;
v. Determination of regulatory, generic and specific parameters;
saw. Evaluation of the economic and financial performance of the managing entities,
through the analysis of the actual accounts.
b) Issuance of several opinions within its area of ​​operation;
c) Follow up of strategic plans of the sector and elaboration of studies
d) Execution of specific technical and financial audits to the Management Entities.
Direct Management Department

The Direct Management Department has the following competencies:

a) Definition of clusters and reference costs;
b) Issuance of opinions on revenues and tariffs;
c) Determination of regulatory parameters, generic and specific;
d) Evaluation of the economic and financial performance of the managing entities, through
analysis of actual accounts;
e) Follow up of the process of constitution of the managing entities in model
of direct management;
f) Follow up of strategic plans of the sector and elaboration of studies
g) Technical training of management entities;
h) Carrying out financial audits to the Management Entities.

Legal Department

The Legal Department has the following competencies:

​a) Monitoring, in liaison with the other departments, of the changes
within the scope of the ERSAR area andpreparation of regulations with external effectiveness;
b) Monitoring of the process of setting up management entities in the different models of management except in the model of concessionary management and delegate;
c) Monitoring of the process of modification or extinction of managing entities
multi-municipal water services and waste services on the rise;
d) Elaboration of diverse opinions inherent to the regulatory activity of ERSAR;
e) Analysis of the litigation concerning the water and waste sector;
f) Review, approve and issue an opinion on service regulations, as well as
the elaboration of type regulations;
g) Establishment and instruction of the processes of misconduct;
h) Response to complaints and requests for information;
i) Response to specific requests from the Competition Authority and of the European Commission.

Quality Department

The Quality Department has the following competencies:

a) Coordination and monitoring of the application of European and national legislation on water for human consumption;
b) Collection of water quality data;
c) Implementation of water quality control actions;
d) Consideration of Water Quality Control Plans;
e) Five-yearly assessment of the risk assessment;
f) Supervision of laboratories;
g) Coordination and preparation of the Annual Report of the Water and Waste Services;
h) Evaluation of the quality of service in the water and waste sectors, for the various ownership and management models;
i) Planning and conducting technical training actions of management entities, aiming at improving quality of service indicators;
j) Carrying out quality of service evaluation audits;
k) Articulation with entities external to ERSAR in matters related to the data of the quality of service and water quality.

Administrative & Support Departments

Administrative, Financial and Human Resources Department

The Administrative, Financial and Human Resources Department has the following competencies:

a) Accounting implementation, monitoring and control;
b) Implementation, monitoring and control of budgetary management;
c) Implementation, monitoring and control of financial management;
d) Validation, billing, collection and control of ERSAR's own revenues;
e) Treasury management;
f) Management, monitoring and control of the processes of acquisition of goods and services;
g) Acquisition, management, distribution, conservation and control of all goods, owned by ERSAR or leased by ERSAR, except for technological infrastructure;
h) Human Resources Management, in the area of ​​strategic development and administrative branch;
i) Administrative and secretarial support.

Information and Technology Management Department

The Information and Technology Management Department has the following competencies:

a) Project management, co-reporting and preparation of studies relevant to the ERSAR activity and for the regulated sector that encompass activities and / or management entities accompanied by more than one department;
b) Drawing up and analyzing the results of investigations carried out by ERSAR and involving management activities and / or entities accompanied by more than one Department;
c) Response to generic requests for information;
d) International relations and protocols;
e) Development of support activities for Quality Awards and Stamps ERSAR;
f) Preparation of institutional presentations and support to the accomplishment of events, publications and publicity materials;
g) Management and configuration of the information of the managing entities;
h) Treatment, analysis, availability and dissemination of reliable data of for the sector;
i) Availability of data and information to the operational and technical areas of ERSAR;
j) Management of ERSAR's technological infrastructure, including its Portal, the website and mobile applications;
k) Computer support for users;
l) Ensuring the security of information and systems.

Board of Directors' Support Office 

This Office has the following competencies:

a) Liaison​ with the Government and with the Parliament;
b) Advisory and support to the Board of Directors;
c) Planning and implementation of internal control procedures;
d) Relationship with the workers' commission, representing the Board of Directors;
e) Press Office;
f) Communication and brand management.