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The water and waste sector in Portugalhttps://www.ersar.pt/en/the-setor/site-description, /enThe water and waste sector in Portugal
Purpose of regulationhttps://www.ersar.pt/en/what-we-do/purpose-of-regulation, /enPurpose of regulation
Find out how the safety and quality of drinking water is guaranteed in Portugalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0kDdlQDSEE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0kDdlQDSEEFind out how the safety and quality of drinking water is guaranteed in PortugalFind out how the safety and quality of drinking water is guaranteed in Portugal
Water is essential to life and is present in everything we do but does the price of water reflect its value?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0kDdlQDSEE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0kDdlQDSEEWater is essential to life and is present in everything we do but does the price of water reflect its value?Water is essential to life and is present in everything we do but does the price of water reflect its value?
Find out about the drinking water quality in each municipality or how much water and waste services costhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtFqs7zoP48, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtFqs7zoP48Find out about the drinking water quality in each municipality or how much water and waste services costFind out about the drinking water quality in each municipality or how much water and waste services cost



Drinking Water Qualityhttps://www.ersar.pt/en/site-consumer/site-drinking-water-qualityDrinking Water QualityPortugal has witnessed a very positive evolution in drinking water quality and in the number of mandatory analysis undertaken for water control purposes.
Quality of servicehttps://www.ersar.pt/en/site-consumer/Pages/quality-of-service.aspxQuality of serviceERSAR regulates the quality of water and waste services provided to customers, evaluating the operators' performance and comparing them with each other, through the application of a benchmarking system to foster effectiveness and efficiency.
Tariffs to the End-Userhttps://www.ersar.pt/en/site-consumer/Pages/tariffs-to-the-end-user.aspxTariffs to the End-UserEnd-users expenses with water and waste services are defined for each municipality, according to three different levels of use (60, 120 and 180 cubic metres).



1,40 KGhttps://www.ersar.pt/en/site-the-setor/site-facts-and-figures/Pages/1,24-KG.aspx1,40 KGDaily production of urban waste per capitahttps://www.ersar.pt/en/site-the-setor/site-facts-and-figures
186 LITERShttps://www.ersar.pt/en/site-the-setor/site-facts-and-figures/Pages/204-LITERS.aspx186 LITERSAverage daily water consumption per capitahttps://www.ersar.pt/en/site-the-setor/site-facts-and-figures
98,95%https://www.ersar.pt/en/site-the-setor/site-facts-and-figures/Pages/98,65.aspx98,95%Percentage of safe tap water for human consumption https://www.ersar.pt/en/site-the-setor/site-facts-and-figures
25,48 EUROShttps://www.ersar.pt/en/site-the-setor/site-facts-and-figures/Pages/Fact-10122-2617.aspx25,48 EUROSAverage monthly expense (10 m³ per month) with the water and waste management servicehttps://www.ersar.pt/en/site-the-setor/site-facts-and-figures